
How a Global Footwear Manufacturer Leveraged Google Analytics to Gain Visibility Across All Countries & Brands with GA4 Roll Ups

Wolverine Worldwide + Napkyn


With 13 brands available world wide across multiple websites, Wolverine lacked visibility to aggregated website data for all countries and all brands. Without a way to automatically combine data from multiple source properties into a single data set, checking performance and identifying trends across all brands was tedious,  time consuming, and unreliable. 

With 13 brands available world wide across multiple websites, Wolverine lacked visibility to aggregated website data for all countries and all brands. Without a way to automatically combine data from multiple source properties into a single data set, checking performance and identifying trends across all brands was tedious,  time consuming, and unreliable. 


With consistent tracking across brands and countries established by Napkyn in an earlier project, Wolverine was able to easily  transition to GA4 and  leveraging its roll up features. Napkyn created several roll ups, aggregating website performance data based on country, region, and brand. A global rollup was also created that included all countries and all brands. 

With consistent tracking across brands and countries established by Napkyn in an earlier project, Wolverine was able to easily  transition to GA4 and  leveraging its roll up features. Napkyn created several roll ups, aggregating website performance data based on country, region, and brand. A global rollup was also created that included all countries and all brands. 


With roll ups in place, Wolverine now has the ability to check the performance of all brands, in all countries in one place. They can easily see trends across between properties and make comparisons to overall aggregated data. In addition, users with the same reporting identity are automatically deduplicated making the overall data more reliable. 

“In a global organization managing multiple brands, each business unit needs a different compilation of data to operate effectively. Whether viewing one brand’s sites across several regions or several brands in one region, roll up properties allow quick access to data without the need for exporting or joining datasets. 

Our investment in GA4 positions our business for future success by ensuring access to the latest analytics technology with the smoothest transition possible.”

— Ali Van Eerden, Director, eComm Analytics & BI, Wolverine Worldwide

With roll ups in place, Wolverine now has the ability to check the performance of all brands, in all countries in one place. They can easily see trends across between properties and make comparisons to overall aggregated data. In addition, users with the same reporting identity are automatically deduplicated making the overall data more reliable. 

“In a global organization managing multiple brands, each business unit needs a different compilation of data to operate effectively. Whether viewing one brand’s sites across several regions or several brands in one region, roll up properties allow quick access to data without the need for exporting or joining datasets. 

Our investment in GA4 positions our business for future success by ensuring access to the latest analytics technology with the smoothest transition possible.”

— Ali Van Eerden, Director, eComm Analytics & BI, Wolverine Worldwide

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